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Long-term growth themes
According to United Nations forecasts, the world population continues to grow steadily. In 2050, there should be about 9.7 billion people on earth, and in 2100 even almost 11 billion.
The rise of the middle class in Asia will be the most important growth factor for the world economy in the next 20 years.
Worldwide debt concerns
In a number of industrialized countries, both public and private households will need to reduce their excessive debt during this decade and the next. This process will weigh on economic growth. Cf. Reinhart, Reinhart, Rogoff, Debt Overhangs: Past and Present or McKinsey Global Institute, Uneven progress on the path to growth.
Without far-reaching political decisions, the ageing of the populations in developed countries will drive government debt massively higher, but the differences among countries are large: BIS Working Paper, The Future of Public Debt (2010).
Global financial system
How healthy is the global financial system? Twice a year, the IMF produces the Global Financial Stability Report.
Quality companies
Jim Collins, the author of „From Good to Great“, has analyzed what it takes to be a great company.